In 2018 on behalf of Indie Films I traveled to Buenos Aires to assist Telefe, the largest broadcaster in Argentina, in the implementation of Viz Multiplay to be used in their brand new 360° studio which included 7 different video wall screens.
Telefe in 2018 moved into a brand new 360° studio, it counted with 7 different video wall screens. Every screen in the studio was in different aspect ratios and resolutions. In addition some of the screens were divided into movable panels that provided many more options for content presentation.
For the first few months after launching this new studio Telefe relied on a post production workflow for the creation of daily content. The target of the project was to assist Telefe in the deployment of Viz Multiplay and help establish an optimal daily workflow. To help them accomplish their goals I worked together and provided training and consultation to the different departments in Telefe. The project also included training and assisting the engineering department in the installation and configuration of Viz Multiplay.
Telefe's graphics department required to adapt their workflow from post production and still based content, to real-time template based graphics. In addition to providing Viz Artist training to different members of the graphics team a series of plugins were developed to optimize the daily workflow. This plugins allowed the designers to create graphics for any screen without the need to configure Viz Artist to the specific screen's aspect ratio by selecting select from different presets in the plugin. In addition most of the designers responsible for creating daily content for this screens had no experience in animated graphics, for this reason a library of plugins were created, this plugins automated the creation of different animation in the scene.
In preparation for 5 different shows going live with Viz Multiplay all the existing animated backgrounds had to be recreated in Viz Artist and a small library of templates were created in order to reduce the number of unique daily graphics produced by the graphics department. In addition all live graphics operators were trained to operate Viz Multiplay.